It's a holy thing to be wild and free. 
- Jason Upton
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Wild. Free.

Full of Life.

Welcome! I'm Wyatt Tate. I love Jesus and I love life, especially outdoor life. Follow me for light-hearted fun and outdoor adventures and even some cooking!

Adventure Awaits!

I love a good adventure! But adventure doesn't mean you have to travel far and wide. Adventure awaits you whereever you are. Your backyard, the neighborhood park, or a birdfeeder out your window. 

The smallest of things can bring great adventure. 


Join The Adventure!

Follow along with my adventures on YouTube and Instagram.

You'll find funny and educational videos where I share about neat things I've learned and fun things I'm doing. Don't miss it!

Support The Adventure!

I couldn't do this without the support of my fans.        

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